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1. Lab: Teams & Problem Space

In this lab we will build the teams, and you will discuss the problem space you want to address.

1.1 Preparation

  • Project idea
    • The Goal: Look closely - observe and talk to people to get ideas for your project.
    • Your task is to find a lively place or a place with people relevant to the problem you have in mind, and observe what your fellow humans are doing. Write down what people are occupied with, what brings them joy, and what annoys them. Take at least 15 minutes to do this.
  • Analyze good and bad apps, what makes a good app good?
  • Check open/available APIs and open source projects you would like to work on.

1.2 During the lab

  • We discuss your questions.
  • We build teams of 4 to 6 students.
  • I will generate the repositories for the teams.
  • You discuss various problems of people in your environment and agree on a problem that you would like to tackle in this semester -- Tackling a problem requires a systematic and proactive approach to effectively address the challenge at hand. It involves critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and a commitment to follow through until a satisfactory resolution is achieved.

1.2.1 Set up your project portfolio

During the semester you will write a project portfolio which will be available via gitlab pages. The CI/CD in the initial project provided contains a basic infrastructure for you to do so. However, 🧰 make sure it runs on your project and adapt it to your needs.

Understand how to reference your sources. In academic writing, what you basically practice here. It is essential to credit all other sources.

The resulting project portfolio should be a blueprint for your BPSE and other projects, i.e. you have the theory provided in the chapter theory and your example how to do it in a project.

1.2.2 Competitors

Shortly describe

  • How is the problem solved at the moment?
  • List other apps addressing the same problem and shortly state their strengths and flaws (competitors).
  • Formulate some hypotheses addressing the assumed missing app.

1.3 After the lab

Document the following parts in your portfolio (use the files provided in the folder docs)

  • 🧰 short description of the problem
  • 🧰 short analysis of the competitors